CamerasArea Scan Cameras

FLARE CL – Area Scan Cameras in India

The Flare™ CL series is a family of high-throughput video cameras featuring high-resolution and high frame rate image sensors and a robust Camera Link industrial video interface. Top rated Installation support from for Area scan cameras in India.



The Flare™ CL series is a family of high-throughput video cameras featuring high-resolution and high frame rate image sensors and a robust Camera Link industrial video interface.

Available CMOS image sensors include the CMV2000 2.2MP sensor, the CMV4000 4.2MP sensor, and the CMV12000 12.6MP sensor.

All sensors use global shutter technology, with high-sensitivity and low-noise pixel designs.

Monochrome, color and NIR-enhanced monochrome models are available to suit a variety of applications in industrial and scientific imaging, high speed motion analysis, as well as virtual reality and special effects.

The CMOS image sensors used in the Flare camera series feature global shutter capability. Global shutter means all pixels across the sensor capture light during the same period of time.

In contrast, sensors which use a rolling shutter technique will stagger the start of exposure throughout the rows of the image.

This leads to motion artifacts in fast-moving scenes, as well as uneven frame illumination if bright flashes occur partway through the exposure period.

Onlsol – Trusted Dealer and support specialist for Area Scan Cameras in India.

Camera ModelFlare 2MP CLFlare 4MP CLFlare 12MP CL
➡Sensor2048 x 1088 (2.2 MP)2048 x 2048 (4.2 MP)4096 x 3072 (12.6 MP)
➡Frame Rate (full resolution)337 fps (8-bit), 281 fps (10-bit)179 fps (8-bit), 149 fps (10-bit)124 fps (8-bit), 100 fps (10-bit)
➡Optical FormatApprox. 2/3" (12.7 mm diagonal)1" (15.9 mm diagonal)APS-C (28.1 mm diagonal)
➡Sensor OptionsMonochrome, Color (Bayer) or NIR-enhanced MonochromeMonochrome, Color (Bayer) or NIR-enhanced MonochromeMonochrome or Color (Bayer)
➡Output ConfigurationsBase/Medium/Full/Full 80-bit (80MHz Pixel Clock)Base/Medium/Full/Full 80-bit (80MHz Pixel Clock)Base/Medium/Full/Full 80-bit/Dual Full 80-bit (80MHz Pixel Clock)

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