E-BooksComputer Vision


VisionTutor consists of two major components: lecture materials, and demonstration exercises. The lecture materials provide written text including graphics for the topics covered in VisionTutor.


Lecture Materials

VisionTutor consists of two major components: lecture materials, and demonstration exercises. The lecture materials provide written text including graphics for the topics covered in VisionTutor.

They also provide on-screen links to the demonstration exercises to provide interactive demonstrations of concepts discussed in the text.

These exercises are performed in the learning environment which is a stand-alone program derived from Aphelion Dev and constructed from elements included in the Aphelion SDK.

Lecture Materials

The lecture materials are a set of PDF documents organized as seven chapters, averaging 80 pages per chapter. The lecture materials are based on a computer vision course originally given by Computer Science Professor Allen Hanson, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

The lecture materials provide text and illustrations for a college level, introductory course covering the concepts of computer vision, image processing, and image analysis to equip a student with working knowledge of key algorithms and methods used in computer vision.

The materials can be used in a classroom environment or as part of a self-paced, interactive study.

When the lecture text introduces a new concept, a link to a demonstration of the concept is provided.

Clicking on the link automatically starts the corresponding demonstration exercise running in the learning environment.

Demonstration Exercises

Each demonstration exercise includes instructive text and graphics, image displays, and a detailed description of the processing carried out in the exercise. At the completion of the exercise, the user is returned back to the page containing the link.

Through these exercises, the student gains re-enforcement of the concept’s theory through hands-on interaction with the exercise.

The demonstration exercises in VisionTutor are C# stand-alone projects that invoke imaging operators included in VisionTutor (and in Aphelion Dev and SDK).

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