Acrylic Longpass Filters are a durable, lightweight and economical solution for inspection windows. They can protect a lens in environments where broken glass might pose a problem.
Acrylic Longpass Filters are a durable, lightweight and economical solution for inspection windows. They can protect a lens in environments where broken glass might pose a problem.
◆ Acrylic Longpass Filters are frequently used for lens protection and economical enclosure windows, as well as over light sources to control the wavelength emission of broad spectrum light sources.
◆ Because of their durability, they’re commonly used in Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regulated applications where glass over the inspection area is not permitted.
◆ AC370 and AC380 offer anti-abrasion, anti-reflection coating, which can also withstand harsh solvents such as alcohol, acetone or MEK.
Part No | Description | Useful Range |
➡AB555 | Acrylic Absorptive Near-IR/UV-Block Visible Bandpass Filter | 470-645nm |
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