Vision softwareSoftware

3D Image Processing- Aphelion Extensions

3D Image Processing & 3D Image Display Extensions. Process, Analyze, and Display 3D Images


3D Image Processing & 3D Image Display Extensions

Aphelion users can now effectively process and display 3D images using virtually the same processing and analysis power provided for 2D images. The Aphelion Imaging Software Suite includes two optional extensions for these functions: the 3D Image Display Extension and the 3D Image Processing Extension. Using these powerful extensions, images acquired from sensor devices such as X-ray Micro-CT, 3D Atom Probe, confocal microscopes, medical scanners, and other 3D devices, can be easily processed, analyzed, and displayed using the Aphelion Dev Graphical User Interface.

The Aphelion 2D image processing operators have been enhanced to handle 3D data including, for example, convolution, addition, subtraction, maximum, erosion, dilation, distance function, labeling, watershed, and threshold. The 3D Image Processing Extension includes analysis on 3D images and true 3D Objectsets. A set of specific 3D measurements is available such as sphericity, surface area, and volume.

3D Image Display

The 3D Image Display extension is now available in the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite environment. New features have been added to the previous version of the extension. Using new PC archi-tectures helped to dramatically improve the speed and the quality of the image rendering.
Both a 3D image and the associated Aphelion 3D ObjectSet can be simultaneously displayed in the same Aphelion Visualization window. Different visualization modes are available to let the user accurately analyze any 3D object.

3D Image Processing

The Aphelion 2D image processing operators have been enhanced to handle 3D data including, for example, convolution, addition, subtraction, maximum, erosion, dilation, distance function, labeling, watershed, and threshold. The 3D Image Processing extension includes analysis on 3D images and true 3D Objectsets. A set of specific 3D measurements is available such as sphericity, surface area, and volume.

Main benefits of Aphelion 3D Extensions

  • True 3-Dimension process and analysis
  • 3 rendering modes to display 3D images and ObjectSets (Isosurface, volume, slice) in a single image view
  • User-friendly control of the light, the field of view, and the 3D objects
  • Support of 64-bit architectures to handle, process, and display very large 3D images

3D Skeletonization Extension

Quickly and accurately generate a 3D skeleton from a 3D tree-shape object

3D Skeletonization Extension is an Aphelion Dev extension1 that derives a skeletonized of a 3D binary image. The resulting skeleton is a 3D connected graph whose lines have the thickness of one voxel. This Skeletonization process is based on advanced work performed at the Ecole des Mines de Paris (France) and Monash University (Australia).

3D Skeletonization Extension employs a robust and highly accurate process that is especially well-suited to the analysis of intricate objects like branched structures (see the left figure above). The module’s output is a set of one-voxel thickness branches represented in a tree-like structure (see the right figure above). The resulting Skeletonization data is stored as an Aphelion ObjectSet that contains the attributes that define the skeleton. These include:

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